3 sessions of chemotherapy completed. 1 pre-surgery CT Scan completed. That’s not all, but those seem like the most important ones for now…
Next thing to worry about is surgery on April 13th… and then more chemo for the summer. The last CT Scan showed that the chemo is working! The tumors are shrinking! And I am ready for my surgeon to take them all out… After surgery, I will have at least 3 more sessions of chemo, but I will also have some genetic testing and testing of the tumors and those things will inform my care going beyond chemo. Still a lot of unknowns, but things are looking good!
Be sure to sign up for my newsletter before my surgery as Christian will be sending and posting some updates while I’m in the hospital. —–>

A little more about Chemo:
Chemotherapy has been a roller coaster of ups and downs and all arounds… Usually, the day of the infusion and a day or two after, I’m riding high (literally, on steroids) and have some manic productivity and positivity. Then on the 3rd or 4th day, my energy drops and I have a couple of tired days and some sadness. For the first week, nausea is constant, although controlled. On the 5th or 6th day other side effects start to show up, and they are slightly different each time.
Chemotherapy is kind of brutal, but it’s also effective. One of the most effective tools we have against this beast. From what I read and hear from those who have been through it, my side effects are toward the middle of the curve. Here’s one time that I’m glad I’m just average as opposed to having it even worse…
Trigger Warning and TMI Section (for if you really want to know):
Chemotherapy and the side effects:
Each time was slightly different then the last… Though some things were consistent; constipation, nausea, and tiredness. I could go on about constipation for hours, if you’ll listen, but I’ll pace myself for this post. Discomfort in my lower abdomen (ovaries and uterus) has been going on since January and that seems to change with each infusion, different locations, different intensity.
The first infusion I got the shakes and some super fast migraines in the first week, started feeling more normal in the second week, and in the third my scalp began to hurt terribly, that’s when my hair started falling out.
The second infusion I started walking more because I was feeling better, but noticed my stamina wasn’t nearly what it used to be. Mouth sores are something a lot of folks talk about and I did get some this time as well as a little bit of spotting. I’m menopausal so that was weird. Speaking of menopause, can you say hot flashes? Phew!
The third infusion was followed by the same stuff (although I mostly seem to have the nausea under control), and more joint and bone pain, depression, and my eyelashes started to fall out. I had a little lightheadedness as well… And apparently acid reflux is also a thing that comes with chemo…
So, if you’ve read this far, thank you! Until next time!