It’s been 4 weeks since my major abdominal surgery. I can say that I am recovering well and getting stronger each day. I knew it would be hard, but I really had no idea how hard. Not being able to move like I’m used to has got me feeling frustrated, but determined and maybe a little bit sad. I can say overall though, I am completely relieved to be done with the surgery portion of my treatments and grateful to be recovering as my doctors expected. Now I just get to be nervous about the rest of chemotherapy…
Since surgery, each day had its milestones. Walking is the most obvious indicator of my progress… The first week, or most of it anyway, I was in the hospital. I was able to get up and stand late the same day of surgery, but I was unable to walk anywhere as I was dizzy and nauseous, but the second day I was able to get up and walk to the bathroom leaning on my hospital wheels, on the third day I was able to walk to the bathroom without wheels, and the days after that I was taking a lap or two around the nurses station after every bathroom journey. The first week home from surgery had me even more responsible for getting up and out of bed for various reasons. After a couple of days home, I walked around my short block once and after a few more days I walked around my long block. Now, though I’m still slow, I’m making daily trips to the coffee shop and around the block a couple of times a day, increasing speed incrementally.

Some Random thoughts:
Roxy has been my constant companion, willing to nap with me anytime of the day! Kitty Cats are the best… My bed has become my office away from my office, so I’m sitting in bed right now and Roxy is lying next to me as I write this, vaguely annoyed by the tapping of the keys, but happy to be snuggled up by my side.
Started teaching my piano students (virtually still) on May 1st. I have to be careful how I sit, but I seem to have enough energy and focus, and I do enjoy helping students move through their difficulties and into the music!
I watched a lot of TV (still am, so send those light and funny recommendations)… I watched all three seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I recommend it to everyone! Although it’s technically a kids show, it’s very deep and lovely in it’s idealism, and since I saw most of it years ago, it was the perfect show to have on while resting in bed and dozing off and on.
Well, that’s all for now, but I will report more soon!
❤️ Kate