Covid and Family

Almost 3 weeks ago, I took a covid test and it was positive. I had been feeling tired and a little congested, but I thought it was just because I had been stressing about going to that chorus weekend and once I was there, I relaxed and had a great time. But woke up on Sunday feeling sketchy, so took a test when I got home… First timer. I haven’t had covid once until now – August 2024. I often refer to my cancer year as another period of time with pandemic rules… that, and we’ve been lucky. Thankfully it was just a couple of days of fever and tiredness. I had the mild version, but I still don’t recommend it.

So, covid virginity gone and isolating from my partner in a smallish apartment. When I told my mom, all she had to say was, “You’re still coming to Great Falls, right?” So, of course I had to go to Montana and help with the preparations for our Family Reunion and to spend time with my mom. The reunion attendees included my 3 brothers and 2 of our spouses, 7 nieces and nephews, and our matriarch – my lovely Mother.

One of my nephews was in charge of the schedule and he knocked it out of the park! We made lots of good meals and fancy drinks. We played games and played music together. We made each other laugh and had deep discussions. Relationships were re-enforced, healed, renewed, and newly begun. I hadn’t seen some of my nieces and nephews for more than a decade and it was so lovely to see them now, more adult than I remember and absolutely living great lives!

And as I listen to Christian editing the video in the other room and hear the sounds of my deceased father’s saxophone, I’m reminded of what a beautiful family I have. We genuinely like each other AND love each other, and that appreciation was an integral part of the whole weekend. I am truly grateful for my family.
