
The Lazy Cat

This post is overdo, but surgery went well and recovery is underway. I can’t believe it’s been 2 weeks since I went into the hospital at 4:30 in the morning to go under the knife… Two weeks! I got my staples out yesterday and I feel like my body is becoming my own again, and the report from my oncologist/surgeon was good. Surgery got the cancer out and chemo will get what they couldn’t see.

Still moving slowly, but beginning to take walks around the block and down to the coffee shop. Roxy and I still spend a fair amount of time lazing in bed each day!

Piano Piece by Kate. Video starring: Lady Roxy of Lazington

Two weeks of resting and trying not to overdo it has left me feeling very cat-like… In fact I think I might be turning into Roxy:

Kate and Roxy merged into one. Thanks, Christian and AI art!

Rest when you need it! I know I will… Being a cat isn’t so bad!

❤️ Kate


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ID: Kate wearing her handmade beanie.

So many folks have been SO generous through this very strange time in my life! Aside from money… Some of our friends got together and donated an Uber Eats gift certificate, a student of mine brought me lasagna and cookies, and my chorus is planning to deliver some meals after surgery. There is also a group that donates knitted beanies to my chemotherapy unit, and I’ve been lucky enough to receive two! You saw several in my post, Hairless.

As I recover from chemo and prepare for surgery, Christian and I walk every morning and almost always wind up at 310 coffee for a second cappuccino! The baristas there have gotten to know us, which is no surprise, when you consider that we go to the same coffee shop most everyday.

Heeju is one of the baristas at 310 and also an amazing knitter! She knits and crochets with intention! Ovarian cancer’s color is teal blue and my favorite color is often black (aside: sometimes it’s purple). So, she knitted me a black, blue, and light blue beanie that I LOVE!

Definitely follow her on instagram and click her link to get to her TikTok and Etsy store!


Beanies! Read More »