
J.S. Bach Minuet in D Minor – Anna Magdalena Notebook

Anna Magdalena Notebook Project

As a piano instructor, I find it useful to have my students listen to recordings of the pieces they are working on. You can find almost anything online these days, so it’s easy for them to listen. However, often these recordings are too fast. So, I’ve begun to make recordings of these teaching pieces. Two recordings of each, one at a quick tempo and a slow version with which students can practice.

Here’s J.S. Bach’s Minuet in D Minor from the Anna Magdalena Notebook. Quick then Slow. Enjoy!




Eventually, I will have an archive which you can download for free, but in the meantime email me and I can send you the mp3’s directly. kate<at>


J.S. Bach Minuet in D Minor – Anna Magdalena Notebook Read More »