

July 4th, 2019

Safety and Freedom.

When you look safety up in the thesaurus, it’s first synonym is freedom. Think about that for a moment.

It is the United States of America’s 243rd Independence Day. United States of America is supposedly the land of the free and home of the brave. And while we are brave in many ways we are no longer free…

Safety means many things to many people, but at a basic level, safety is shelter, enough food and water, and bodily autonomy. Our safety and our freedom is being eroded. There is a homeless epidemic on the streets of LA and you are ridiculous if you think those people are there by choice. Smaller pay and larger rent, the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. Rich people are safe and free from having to really look at how depriving poorer people of basic necessities is effecting them.

This is a country of immigrants. I won’t even go into how us immigrants treated the Native people here. Now, new immigrants and refugees are kept in inhumane conditions. This is wrong. This is not freedom.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” – Emma Lazarus, for the statue of Liberty

Here’s my patriotic song. Subscribe to my monthly creations on Patreon!

All One, All Love, Indivisible.


My Funny Valentine

021414    For me, Valentine’s Day wasn’t ever really about romantic relationships. In my first family we celebrated our family. I got cards and candy for and from my brothers and my parents. I’m pretty sure it was my father’s favorite holiday. He loved to give funny cards and share candy and laughter. I remember my brother’s trying to outdo each other with the size and humorousness of their cards. I loved it, too!

Our cultural messages surrounding Valentine’s Day seem to be those of having a lover or a spouse. I guess I never got that memo, because I still prefer sharing the love with ALL of my loved ones, and I’m grateful for that.

Thanks, Dad! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Historical information about Valentine’s Day: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine’s_Day

Celebrate Anna Howard Shaw Day (thank you, Liz Lemon!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osSQPaA7wSg
