Things I’ve been doing

It seems like my world expands and contracts each day. My focus is everywhere and nowhere!

I’ve been getting very active again in my Santa Monica Chorus. Teaching ear training each week and learning a $hit-ton of new music! If you know a little about Sweet Adeline’s and my barbershop life, you know that apart from chorus rehearsals every week, our regional organization gets together two or three times a year to sing and compete (and of course bond and party). This year my chorus is competing in October at the International competition in Kansas City and we’re excited and hopeful and perhaps positioned to make it to the top 10.

I’ll be going to Summer Sizzler (another event) in Oxnard next week and competing in a double quartet contest with a pickup group called 🌈KALEIDOSCOPE🌈. In our package we’ll search for and sing songs about Rainbows…

I guess that’s what I’m doing in my everyday life these days, searching for my rainbow. Not the pot of gold, although that wouldn’t hurt, but my hope and possibility after the rain… I’m exploring my new mind and body with each breath. I’m not sure exactly who I am anymore and the discovery process is intense and fraught, even though I’m super grateful to be alive and kicking and moving pianos around – something I thought I would never (and probably really shouldn’t) do again.

I am having a hard time getting back to writing and playing the piano, but I am doing a lot of art… Which is incredibly therapeutic and informative about my evolving state of being. Here are some pieces that I have made in the last few months.

Please, have patience and grace towards yourselves as we navigate the ups and downs in this life and these bodies… That’s what I’m trying to do for myself. πŸ©·β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ©΅πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ€ŽπŸ–€πŸ©ΆπŸ€ ~ Kate


Things I’ve been doing

Scanxiety and Relief

A Rainbow and Black Chaotic Spiral with a center of yellow hopefulness.

I am cancer free! At least that’s what the last scans and checks tell me, that for now, I am cancer free.

2 weeks ago, I had a CT scan to check for any abnormalities in the areas where my cancer appeared last year. The week leading up to the scan was filled with trepidation and anxiousness. It seems almost crazy that just the act of getting checked brings up all of the nerves and fatalism that showed up when I did have cancer growing in my body. And the relief after getting clear results is something I can’t even describe… I will be constantly vigilant forever, or until the end of this life anyway.


Love to All! ~ Kate


Scanxiety and Relief